The Helm v3 connector can spawn complex, multi-container environments on a Kubernetes cluster. The deployment unit is the entire Helm release, while the binding unit is the single container in a Pod
. StreamFlow requires each container in a Helm release to have a unique name
attribute, allowing an unambiguous identification. Finally, the scheduling unit is the single instance of a potentially replicated container in a ReplicaSet
properties |
chart (required) |
A chart archive. This can be a chart reference, a path to a packaged chart, a path to an unpacked chart directory or a URL |
type |
string |
atomic |
If set, installation process purges chart on fail (also sets wait flag) |
type |
boolean |
caFile |
Verify certificates of HTTPS-enabled servers using this CA bundle |
type |
string |
certFile |
Identify HTTPS client using this SSL certificate file |
type |
string |
chartVersion |
Specify the exact chart version to install |
type |
string |
default |
latest |
commandLineValues |
Set values on the command line. Can separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2 |
type |
string |
debug |
Enable verbose output |
type |
boolean |
depUp |
Run helm dependency update before installing the chart |
type |
boolean |
devel |
Use development versions, too (equivalent to version >0.0.0-0). If version is set, this is ignored |
type |
boolean |
fileValues |
Set values from respective files. Can separate values with commas: key1=path1,key2=path2 |
type |
string |
inCluster |
If true, the Helm connector will use a ServiceAccount to connect to the Kubernetes cluster. This is useful when StreamFlow runs directly inside a Kubernetes Pod |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
keepHistory |
Remove all associated resources and mark the release as deleted, but retain the release history |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
keyFile |
Identify HTTPS client using this SSL key file |
type |
string |
keyring |
Location of public keys used for verification |
type |
string |
default |
${HOME}/.gnupg/pubring.gpg |
kubeContext |
Name of the kubeconfig context to use |
type |
string |
kubeconfig |
Absolute path of the kubeconfig file to be used |
type |
string |
maxConcurrentConnections |
Maximum number of concurrent connections to open for a single Kubernetes client |
type |
integer |
default |
4096 |
namespace |
Namespace to install the release into |
type |
string |
default |
Current kube config namespace |
nameTemplate |
Specify template used to name the release |
type |
string |
noHooks |
Prevent hooks from running during install |
type |
boolean |
password |
Chart repository password where to locate the requested chart |
type |
string |
registryConfig |
Path to the registry config file |
type |
string |
default |
${HOME}/.config/helm/registry.json |
repositoryCache |
Path to the file containing cached repository indexes |
type |
string |
default |
${HOME}/.cache/helm/repository |
repositoryConfig |
Path to the file containing repository names and URLs |
type |
string |
default |
${HOME}/.config/helm/repositories.yaml |
releaseName |
The release name. If unspecified, it will autogenerate one for you |
type |
string |
renderSubchartNotes |
Render subchart notes along with the parent |
type |
boolean |
repo |
Chart repository url where to locate the requested chart |
type |
string |
locationsCacheTTL |
Available locations cache TTL (in seconds). When such cache expires, the connector performs a new request to check locations availability |
type |
integer |
default |
10 |
resourcesCacheTTL |
(Deprecated. Use locationsCacheTTL.) Available resources cache TTL (in seconds). When such cache expires, the connector performs a new request to check resources availability |
type |
integer |
default |
10 |
skipCrds |
If set, no CRDs will be installed |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
stringValues |
Set string values. Can separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2 |
type |
string |
timeout |
Time to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation |
type |
string |
default |
1000m |
transferBufferSize |
Buffer size allocated for local and remote data transfers |
type |
integer |
default |
32MiB - 1B |
username |
Chart repository username where to locate the requested chart |
type |
string |
yamlValues |
Specify values in a list of YAML files and/or URLs |
type |
string[] |
default |
verify |
Verify the package before installing it |
type |
boolean |
wait |
If set, will wait until all Pods, PVCs, Services, and minimum number of Pods of a Deployment are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout |
type |
boolean |
default |
True |